Saturday, January 2, 2010

January Meeting - Pat Sutton "How to Spot an Owl"

At the January 12th, 7:00pm meeting of the Salem County Nature Club; Pat Sutton, renowned author and naturalist, will be presenting her new updated digital version of "How to Spot an Owl". Pat will also be selling and signing her books at this meeting. The Salem County Nature Club meets at the Old School/Municipal Building, 49 Greenwich Street Alloway, NJ. Members are free, non-members $2.00. Contact Marilyn at 856-935-2384 or for more information.

"How to Spot an Owl," program and book signing by Pat Sutton. Pat Sutton has studied owls in the wild for 30 years. She lives near Cape May, a world renowned migratory crossroads that is famous for its hawk and owl migration. In her program she will relate her fascination with owls and convey the excitement of searching for, understanding, and enjoying these illusive and mysterious creatures -- just as she and her husband Clay have in their book by the same title (Houghton Mifflin, 1994, now out of print). Owling basics, owling on your own, various clues to follow-up, special places and habitats, helpful equipment, and backyard owling will all be covered. Owling etiquette and how to spot owls without disturbing them is emphasized. Pat will remove some of the mystery of owl finding, while simultaneously conveying the excitement of searching for and studying these illusive nocturnal predators. Bring your binocs . . . so you can find some hidden owls in the program.

Pat Sutton lives near Cape May, New Jersey, the world renowned migratory crossroads that is famous for its hawk, owl, songbird, shorebird, and Monarch butterfly migration. She has keenly studied the natural world for 30 years. Pat and her husband Clay’s landmark book, Birds and Birding at Cape May (Stackpole Books, 2006, 568 pages), is the in-depth result of their efforts over many years documenting and protecting the migration and the hometown that they so love. Pat and Clay Sutton together have co-authored How to Spot Butterflies (1999), How to Spot Hawks & Eagles (1996), and How to Spot an Owl (1994), all published by Houghton Mifflin. Pat has been a working naturalist since 1977, first for the Cape May Point State Park and then for 21 years with New Jersey Audubon Society’s Cape May Bird Observatory, where she was the Naturalist and Program Director. Today, Pat and Clay are free-lance writers, naturalists, lecturers, and tour leaders. Pat is a founding Board Member of the North American Butterfly Association. She coauthored, with David Wright, CMBO's "Cape May County Butterfly Checklist" and the Cape May County butterfly site guide in Jeffrey Glassberg’s Butterflies Through Binoculars. She is a passionate advocate and wildlife gardener for and photographer of butterflies, moths, birds, and other critters. Articles and photography by Pat & Clay have appeared in New Jersey Audubon, Peregrine Observer, New Jersey Outdoors, Sanctuary, American Butterflies, Wild Bird, Bird Watcher's Digest, Birder's World, Birding, Living Bird, Defenders, and others.