Monday, August 3, 2009

At the July meeting, Larissa Smith spoke to the Nature Club about the American Bald Eagle Restoration Program. It was wonderful to hear about the comeback of the Bald Eagle right here in Salem County. Let’s hope that humans continue to be vigilant in protecting their habitat and their nest sites so that our grandchildren can also experience the majesty of a soaring Bald Eagle.

You have all heard the expression, “the dog days of August”. Well they are here. It is hot and humid and the weeds are growing so fast it feels like I live in a tropical jungle. For those of us into photography the growing weeds and wildflowers present some interesting photo opportunities. They also attract one of the great joys of August, butterflies.

Since I am officially naming August “Butterfly Month” I need you to send us your butterfly photos for the Nature Club Blog. If you aren’t sure what kind they are we will identify them for you. Even though it is “Butterfly Month” photos of other insects are also welcome.

If you come out to the “Big Sit”, you will be treated to an abundance of butterflies, hummingbirds, dragonflies, flowers and weeds to use as photo subjects. Of course, there are tons of birds here too. The Wild Cherries and Blackberries are in fruit and the birds are active harvesting them. The Gnatcatchers, Flycatchers, and Hummingbirds are zooming around catching the insects the fruit attracts. It’s a fun time to be a nature lover. I will provide chairs and cold drinks, iced tea, soda, and water. Bring your own snack and we can sit in the shade and enjoy nature or for those more motivated we can walk the trails or go back into the woods.

At our next meeting we will be treated to the great nature photography created by SCNC members, Jeff White and Garry Baldwin. Even if you are not into taking wildlife photos you will enjoy their beautiful pictures. Those of us who enjoy photography are anxious to find out how they got some of those amazing photos. These two are serious trophy hunters. Not with guns but with cameras. Join us as they share their “hunting” techniques with us.