Sunday, October 11, 2009


Tuesday October 13thPresident, Marilyn Patterson will be putting on a slide show entitled “Butterflies of Salem County”.
Marilyn will show her own photos as well as images taken by other SCNC members. We all enjoy the beauty of butterflies and now we have a chance to learn more about their habits and lifestyle. Bring in your photos for identification. Marilyn will have a number of butterfly books with her to help with identification.
Do you know the names of all of the butterflies in your garden? Do you know how to tell a moth from a butterfly? Do you know who the LBJs (Little Brown Jobs) of the butterfly world are? Do you know what “hill topping is”? Do you know why the Viceroy Butterfly mimics the appearance of the Monarch Butterfly? What about why are most tiny caterpillars black and white? All of these questions, and many more, will be answered during the presentation.

No nature walks scheduled this month