Friday, July 6, 2012

Salem County Nature Club, Inc.
June to December Schedule of Meetings and Events
June 12th  Monthly Meeting:  Local Birder and Photographers Jeff Kiger will share his photographer and experiences at Finn’s Point, Fort Mott, and Supawna Meadows.  Jeff spends most of his lunch breaks searching these sites for wildlife to photograph.  If you love wildlife and photography this is a “don’t miss” meeting.

June 16th Event:   8:00am. This walk is open to the public.  We will be walking the nature trails at Parvin State Park looking for birds, frogs, turtles and toads.  We should also find some nice wildflowers in bloom. This is a great walk to introduce your friends to the Salem County Nature Club, Inc.  We will meet at the Second Landing Parking lot.

July 10th Monthly Meeting:  This is a movie month.  We will be seeing “Seashore” part of the Eyewitness DVD series.  According to its cover, “Seashore” dives into the explosive front line between land and sea.  From crashing waves and blasting winds to placid tide pools, discover what makes our coastlines so alluring to the masses of wildlife and humans who gather there.

July Event: Members Only Event - Date to be determined.  Jeff and Cathy are inviting all members and their guests to visit their amazing wildlife gardens.   All members will receive an invitation by email as soon as the details are finalized.

August 14th Monthly Meeting:  This is a movie month.  We will be showing another segment of the series “Life in Cold Blood”.   This series is written and presented by David Attenborough.

August 25th Event:  8am to 11am  Once again Marilyn will host a “Big Sit”.  It is too hot to go hiking looking for wildlife so we will sit on the deck and let the wildlife come to us.  A large number of birds, butterflies and dragonflies inhabit this backyard, pond and butterfly meadow.  If you want to take a walk the property is surrounded by Natural Lands Trust Property that is open to the public for hiking.  Cold drinks and treats will be served.

September 11th Monthly Meeting:  We are pleased to have Mary Lenahan speak about “Dragonflies”.  Mary is a docent at Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge as well as a grade school teacher.  She will discuss the life cycle of dragonflies tying them back to ancient history and Indian legends.  I have seen this presentation and was fascinated and entertained. 

September 29th  Event:  starts at 10:00 AM.  We will be scheduling a tour of some local butterfly gardens. Since these are private gardens we ask that you sign up ahead of time so that we have an idea of the number that will be at each garden.  If Monarchs are present we will be tagging them. Contact Marilyn at or call 856-935-2384.

October 9th Meeting:  Naturalist Tom Reed will share his experiences on the “Avalon Sea watch”.  As the principal sea watcher at Avalon, Tom was responsible for counting all of the seabirds that migrate past the jetty in Avalon.  It was amazing to watch him locate and identify seabirds that were often no more than dots on the horizon. Tom also just finished a “Big Year” in 2011.  A “Big Year” is an attempt to view and count as many varieties of birds as you can in one year.  Tom will share his record breaking efforts with us.

October 20th Event:  9:00am to 11 am.  We will be traveling the “Loop” around the southeastern part of Salem County.  We will visit Maskell’s Mill Pond, the loop around Canton, and Mad Horse Creek WMA.  We should see lots of hawks and other birds.

November 13th Meeting:  It’s “Spider Time”!  Eugene Fuzy, an entomologist with Rutgers University will be teaching us about spiders.  He might even bring some with him!!!  Mr. Fuzy is known for his entertaining and informational programs.  This should be fun!

November 17th Event:  8:00am to 10am. We will be walking either Supawna or Fort Mott.  We will go where ever the birds are! More information will be available as it gets closer to the date.

December 11th Meeting:  This is the Salem County Nature Club, Inc. Christmas Party.  We will gorge on cookies and cake while watching a slide show of photos taken by our members.  Gather your best nature shots and share them with all of the other members.